Superior Watershed Partnership
Great Lakes Oracle supports the work of the Superior Watershed Partnership and Land Conservancy.
Superior Watershed Partnership
Great Lakes Oracle supports the work of the Superior Watershed Partnership and Land Conservancy.
An idea or a gift?
I told myself that if it was truly meant to be and a gift worth bringing to life, everything would fall where it needed to with little effort.
An idea or a gift?
I told myself that if it was truly meant to be and a gift worth bringing to life, everything would fall where it needed to with little effort.
The Great Lakes Oracle Card #42
They are a system. Just as the heart works with the lungs and brain, the lakes have a living energy that beats within us. A majestic, freshwater collective system.
The Great Lakes Oracle Card #42
They are a system. Just as the heart works with the lungs and brain, the lakes have a living energy that beats within us. A majestic, freshwater collective system.
Call to the lakes
These people aren’t always in touch with their energy centers, their gifts or a higher power even. Yet they all sit in their cars and gaze out onto the rippling water...
Call to the lakes
These people aren’t always in touch with their energy centers, their gifts or a higher power even. Yet they all sit in their cars and gaze out onto the rippling water...
Mud flaps, Murals & Full Moon
That’s all I do now when these signs from the Universe come to me. Every time I start to doubt if I am doing the right thing in developing these...
Mud flaps, Murals & Full Moon
That’s all I do now when these signs from the Universe come to me. Every time I start to doubt if I am doing the right thing in developing these...